stylist for 1 years

book an appointment with Madi King


meet Madi!

specialties: Razor cutting, long hair cuts, scalp care, natural styling for waves and curls

I was born in a small town 45 minutes south of Atlanta. Having lived in the same town my whole life, I started bouncing around and living in different states upon graduating high school. Most recently having moved from Florida and landing in this beautiful little mountain town.

I've had a passion for art since I was young and found my new medium in hair is 2021. I’m always looking for inspiration to pull into this new medium, especially through my other art forms. Outside of hair I love film photography and I just started taking ceramics classes on the wheel.

what makes your hair brain sing? I believe hairstyling is the industry of self expression and self confidence. I love making people feel as comfortable in their skin as possible, through creating looks that match their spunky personalities.

go-to davines product: OI All in one milk for its detangling, added shine and moisture, conditioning effect, heat protection, and body building power!

what you love about ananda: I love Ananda for a whole stew of reasons. Firstly, that it’s a salon for all people, in all different walks of life. Secondly, because they are frontline in education. I believe learning never stops, no matter what skill level you’re at, and Ananda mimics that belief. And thirdly, for how environmentally friendly they are!

fun fact about me: I just got a puppy that has taken over my whole world and heart!

Madi King’s bookable skills

  • Bangs
  • Bobs
  • Curly
  • Lived-In
  • Long Hair
  • Pixies
  • Razor
  • Shags
  • Short Hair
  • Textured
  • Transformational
  • Blow outs
  • Gender Affirming
  • Hot Tools
  • Silent Appointments

make an appointment for hair cut, color, or styling at asheville’s favorite hair salon

booking with ananda hair salons supports fair living wages and sustainable, eco-friendly hair care. book directly with Madi King below.
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